Wild Yonder

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Having recently returned from Borneo it was very worrying to hear about the fires deliberately started for clearing in the Amazon rainforest. Unfortunately it wasn’t surprising. It is a pattern the world over. The tribes are isolated. Have little or no political voice. So are easily manipulated/coerced into either selling or leasing their lands. If they resist loggers take it anyway. Then the tribes have to accept the terms of lease for oil palm plantations. Usually 60 years. This then has a huge knock on effect for the flora and fauna in the area. Orangutans can’t build nests in oil palm trees. And after those 60years? Well. Nobody seems to know much, or care. They’ve made their money. Or not, as is the case for the locals.

So, what can we do? As consumers we can make simple positive steps:

  1. stop buying products with palm oil.

  2. stop buying products made of hard wood.

  3. donate to charities such as World Land Trust or Rainforest Alliance - instead of buying products we don’t really need.

These simple steps if done by enough people send messages that can have real, long lasting impacts for all. Future generations will thank us for it.