Wild – not ordinarily tame
Yonder – a more or less distant place

Our Mission

We want to share our love of travel through linking to places we can partner with to help bring long term sustainable change. We want to bring a smile and a handshake. Not take, but share. Be one together. Create experiences which will live long in the memory. These are not holidays. Not adventures. They are experiences. Mutually beneficial. A partnership of like minds. Immersive and heartfelt. Challenging and rewarding in equal measure. Join us Yonder.

Our philosophy

Travel is a lifestyle and a passion but it has an impact regardless of how lightly we tread. Our goal is to minimise and off-set this; not as a bolt-on process. It is the core of what we do. A passion for the people, flora, fauna and landscapes we visit. So we enhance them and ourselves with our passage.

Please therefore be aware that we are not the cheapest. Neither do we intend to be. Our aim is to provide the best possible experiences for our clients and our hosts. They are not there to just serve us. This is a two way process. Of benefit to both. To work and play sustainably.

Wild Yonderings. For always.

It is neither wealth nor splendour, but tranquility and occupation which give happiness.
— Thomas Jefferson

why choose wild yonder?

  • First class, quality service provided by a highly knowledgeable and experienced team.

  • Sustainable travel experience – Carbon Balanced through the World Land Trust.

  • The real price of travel.

  • Bespoke tours - which only we can offer. Contact us.

  • Tour guides who are extremely well known in this industry, with years of experience.

  • In-country agents: locals with relevant knowledge and training. Our friends.

  • Muck in. Hands dirty. Positive action. Big smiles. Life lived.