Important Information

The following is an overview of some important information that we think you would like to know.  It must be read in conjunction with the full T&C’s which are available on our website and which you will receive when you make a booking.

To check availability for your experience please call or email us. Office hours are 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. If you would like to secure your place on an experience you will be required to pay a deposit of 30% of the experience price per person.  The balance is due in full 90 days before departure. If payments are not made on time and in full we reserve the right to assume you no longer wish to travel and in this instance we will be entitled to retain any payments paid or due at that time.

Insurance Details

It is a condition of your booking with us that a valid and adequate travel insurance policy will be in place for yourself and any other members in your party whilst you travel.

You must ensure that you are appropriately insured against any possible risks that may occur, including sufficient pre-departure cancellation cover. We strongly suggest your insurance covers escorted/led travel, as this will be part of your experience. You must carry proof of insurance with you and be able to show it to our staff or suppliers if they request to see it.

Your travel insurance policy must cover you for the entirety of your experience for medical expenses, medical emergency repatriation (by helicopter and air ambulance) and death. You must check that there are no particular activities excluded from cover on your policy such as, but not limited to, the project work you will be completing and the trekking/mountain climbing part of the experience. We cannot accept any responsibility for any costs associated with not having sufficient or valid cover. Furthermore, it is essential you disclose any material facts, such as pre-existing medical conditions to your insurers to avoid them disputing or declining a claim.


Travel documentation

The lead booker is responsible for ensuring that all members of their party have all the correct documentation to travel and that it is valid. Any costs or fines incurred as a result of the failure to have the correct and valid documentation will be the responsibility of the lead booker and his/her party. 

Although we may be able to provide some information, you must consult with the appropriate Consulate, Embassy or British Foreign Office with regards to the passport and visa requirements for your chosen experience and specific date of travel. You are responsible for ensuring you have a valid visa and passport to gain access to any countries included in the experience you have booked. If travelling overland you may also need to pass through controls of other countries en-route and therefore must be taken into consideration for any passport/visa applications.

We will have no liability to you for any damage, loss or cost you suffer as a result of failing to have the correct travel documentation in place and we will be unable to refund you any costs relating to any part of your experience you are unable to fulfill. Please be aware that some countries may refuse entry to travelers who have criminal records. If this is of concern to you, we urge you to contact the consulate or embassy of the countries you are travelling to.

It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the advice of the British Foreign Office and other relevant government bodies for the countries you are travelling to.

All members of your party must seek proper and detailed medical advice about the countries you are travelling to at least 8 weeks prior to travel. If you choose not to do this and are refused entry into a country or suffer personal injury or death as a result, we will not be liable to you for any damage, loss or cost you suffer as a result of failing to have sought the correct medical advice and we will be unable to refund you any costs relating to any part of your experience you are unable to fulfill. If you or your party have any pre-existing medical problems or there are any pregnant women travelling or anybody that has recently visited other countries, we strongly suggest they consult their GP.

You must tell us before you book about any medical condition or disability which may affect your experience and/or require any additional considerations. This must be followed up in writing prior to or at the time of booking. A good level of fitness is required for our experiences as all tours involve trekking and the project element of each tour will involve manual labour. If you would like to discuss the suitability of any of our experiences please give us a call.


Experience Notes
If there are detailed notes for your experience, these notes and all the information contained therein will form part of the contract. Should the specific information about the travel arrangements and itinerary for your experience be different to any information on the website, it these notes that  will replace information on the website as the most accurate and up to-date information.


Special Requirements

If you have any special room requests or dietary requirements please make this known at the time of booking. We will advise you of any costs associated with your requests and will confirm any such requests that have been granted in writing to you.


Client Requirements
Prior to booking you must satisfy yourself that you and your party are both fit to travel and to participate fully in the experience chosen. Any disability or illness or ongoing treatment of any medical or physical conditions must be declared at the time of booking and the necessary arrangements made for the provision of treatment or medication during the experience. Failure to disclose such information will be considered a breach of our terms and conditions and could lead to the individual concerned being excluded from an experience and losing all monies paid. If your enjoyment or that of others might be affected by any condition that you have you must notify us about this prior to booking.


Project work

This phase of the experience may involve physically arduous tasks and therefore a good level of fitness is required to get the most from it. There may be alternatives such as teaching but as we are there with a serious sustainability focus the work we are asked to be a part of cannot always be guaranteed.  Please only sign up if you are happy to be involved in this kind of work as maximum involvement will enhance each phase of the experience for not only those we meet but also ourselves.

Behaviour & Leader Authority

The leader of your experience represents the company and must be considered as the authority to follow at all times. Your experience may be terminated if you are committed of an illegal act or if in the sound judgement of the leader your behavior is such that it causes disruption, is threatening or abusive or is resulting in or likely to result in annoyance, distress or danger to others, be they on the same experience or not. In this instance we will not be liable for any resulting consequences or costs.

If your behaviour is considered disruptive by other parties, for example, but not limited to flight crew, and they refuse to let you travel, we will treat your booking as cancelled by you and with immediate effect you will be responsible both for our cancellation costs and any costs you incur as a result of any new transport or other arrangements you need to make. If this occurs overseas you will be responsible for your journey home and that of any members of your party that decide to leave with you.  We will not be liable for any costs you incur nor will we refund you any portion of your experience not used or provide any compensation. Futhermore any costs incurred by us as a result of your actions may be claimed against you.  In some cases, criminal proceedings may also be actioned.

The accommodation that has been booked for you must only be used by yourself and others named on your booking invoice.  You cannot let anyone else stay in the accommodation. If there are any damages to your accommodation or its contents you will be responsible for these costs and may have to settle them on-site.


World Land Trust

We off-set all of our and your carbon emissions through the World Land Trust including all of our operations and including as far as is possible your travel to and from the airport. As this is the case we ask that you donate that off-set cost even if you cancel your travel plans with us. If you do not wish this to be the case please advise us on the booking form. Otherwise we shall assume that you don’t mind that money going to the World Land Trust. It is they and not us that works out the off-set cost for each experience that we offer and therefore your money will go directly to funding projects around the world.


Photography & Reviews/Feedback

We encourage our Experience Guides to take lots of photos. These will be used for a variety of promotional or marketing purposes, including but not limited to the website, printed matter, e-marketing and social media.  If you do not wish to photographed you must notify us in writing before the experience takes place.

If you leave a review or feedback for us we will also reserve the right to use this for marketing purposes, unless you have specific requested in writing for us not to do so.

Experience Prices

Payment for all experiences will be taken in Sterling. Most of our suppliers will however take payment from us in US Dollars or Euros. Although we are able to absorb normal fluctuations in exchange rates, we reserve the right to change the price of your experience if/when the value of Sterling drops by 2% or more during a period of 6 months of less but with a maximum charge of  no more than 10% for every 6 month period. The final price of your experience will be confirmed 30 days before departure after which we guarantee that no further changes will be made.


If you cancel your booking

If you, or any member of your party, wishes to cancel their experience it must be done in writing and cancellation will be effective as and when we receive the written communication. Your deposit will be retained as we will have incurred costs since you made your booking and subject to when we receive your cancellation further charges may be due as per our booking terms and conditions.


If we cancel or change your booking

As we start organising your experience long in advance of the departure date, there may be times when we have to change our website and other information both before and after bookings have been made. We have to reserve the right to make changes and cancellations but will, of course, ensure changes and cancellations are only made where absolutely necessary.

We will not pay any compensation in the event that we are forced to cancel, or change your experience, in the case of minimum numbers not being met for your chosen experience or for reasons amounting to force majeure.

Force Majeure means any event beyond our or our supplier’s control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Examples include warfare and acts of terrorism (and threat thereof), civil strife, significant risks to human health such as the outbreak of serious disease at the travel destination or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or weather conditions which make it impossible to travel safely to the travel destination or remain at the travel destination, the act of any government or other national or local authority including port or river authorities, industrial dispute, labour strikes, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, chemical or biological disaster, unavoidable technical problems with transport and all similar events outside our or the supplier(s) control.


We will not cancel your tour less than 60 days before the scheduled departure date unless due to force majeure, payment not being received in full or as a result of late cancellations from other passengers booked for your experience. We strongly advise that until your itinerary is confirmed   you make no travel arrangements, either to your departure point or connecting travel arrangements, where tickets/payments would be non-refundable or non-changeable or you may incur costs for visas, vaccinations and such like.

In the unlikely event we need to cancel your experience after departure, we will endeavour as far as is possible to make alternative arrangements. If we are unable to do so, or you do not accept these for good reasons, then we will ensure you are returned to your departure point and arrange a refund for any part of your holiday that has not been taken.

Where you have been notified of a change prior to departure and choose to continue with the experience, this will be taken as your acceptance of the new arrangements.

We reserve the right to change or remove any information featured on our website at any time without notice to you or liability.


Personal Injury, illness or death

We will not be held responsible or make any payment if your illness, injury or death was a result of your own actions or omissions, the acts and/or omissions of a third party unconnected with the provision of the services contracted for and which were unavoidable and extraordinary or as a result of Force Majeure.

Law & Jurisdiction

If you booked your holiday in any jurisdiction (including online), this contract, and any other claim or dispute arising from or related to this contract, will be governed by English law and the courts of England.