

Why sustainability? Why wild yonder?

With a degree in Environmental policy and a love of travel, I have a unique insight of the changes which we as people have brought over a short period. Some good and some not so.

Travel broadens everything though. Hope included.

We should like to be part of the future of travel. Making travel a responsibility as well as a joy. Increase our positive impact. Decrease our negative.

The real price of travel. Give back. Not a passive experience. A mutually beneficial one. For all.

  1. We’ll start with plastic. NO SINGLE USE PLASTIC ON OUR EXPERIENCES. Kenya has banned plastic bags. We can follow their example.

  2. We will work on projects which have a positive impact on sustainability in all our host countries.

  3. Your entire journey (as far as is possible) will be offset through the World Land Trust’s Carbon Balanced programme.

Please note that merely moving around creates emissions. We are just trying to enjoy travel in what we consider the right and responsible way. We can never guarantee to be 100% sustainable. But we will aim for it.