We have had the privilege to travel to many places. Over time we have seen much change. Some really good. Some bad.

People on the whole are amazing - but where we got the crazy notion that breaking bits off the natural world and selling it to each other without much thought to the consequences seems a little strange. We are meant to be intelligent after all.

Thankfully we are slowly starting to wake up to the true nature of our relationship with home (earth). And bit by bit we are slowly making a difference. And we believe we can be part of that jigsaw. Put it back together again. But as we are a small travel experience business can only do so much.

So we looked around. Did our learning in the real world. Got off line and started to do some proper investigative digging. Old school. What we found kept pointing to keeping primary rainforest intact. Support local groups and indigenous populations - the ones who really understand ‘their home,’ and want to protect it. This then supports healthy flora, fauna and landscapes. The things we all want to marvel at. But. Also, forests take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and give out oxygen. So this is good for all of us. On all levels.

The law of 3’s in survival situations is very simple to understand:

3 minutes without air

3 hours without shelter

3 days without water

3 weeks without food

Our priority on this planet is clean air. Not wi-fi. Not apps. Not profit at all costs. But. We can have fun achieving this. We do not need to feel guilty. We made mistakes. In leadership we don’t dwell on them. We take positive action to move forward.

We believe the World Land Trust represents not just an opportunity but an essential part of what we wish to achieve. The real price of travel. And as rainforests provide 40% - 50% of all the oxygen on the planet, half the breaths we all take are reliant upon them. The WLT represents an opportunity to take care of ourselves. And, have fun in the process.

We know that harmful carbon is emitted in the form of the burning of fossil fuels, merely by us being alive. However, we should not be made miserable by this fact. We can do something about it - even whilst we travel. And as we travel we can discover what is so beautiful about this planet. Appreciate it, and want to protect it. The WLT can buy and protect threatened primary rainforest or in the worst case scenario re-plant a rainforest. Basically we want to save or plant more trees than we burn on our travels.

In order to achieve this we have put this as part of the DNA of our business. Not a bolt on. There is no opting out of these costs with us. They are part of the price. It is fundamental to the way our business is run. This is not PR or spin. It is the real cost of enjoying our world and keeping it that way for future generations.

Andy Rushby

Wild Yonder