A plastic bag

A year or so ago I was lucky enough to find myself in the Massai Mara, Kenya. I was travelling with some Massai guides. Travelling along. Eyes alert to movement. Suddenly, we stopped. I craned my neck to see why we had stopped: lion? leopard? cheetah? No. The guide got out of the vehicle and climbed a tree. Was it a better view point? I started to climb out of the vehicle. No need. The point of interest?

A plastic bag.

Just one.


It was 100 miles away from the nearest habitation. They blow into the parks. In amongst the leaves of the trees. Hard to see. Harder to see than a lion in the savannah grasses. The giraffe eat them. Then they suffocate.

Kenya has banned plastic bags. As a nation.


Now? How about the rest of us?


Out of the way

