
800,000 tonnes of plastic is going into our oceans every year. Give or take the odd tonne.

This seems like a bad idea really.

I’ve been thinking about some of the reasons why. Bear with me.

  1. Fish and chips - always better without added plastic. Salt and vinegar is better.

  2. I like to swim and occasionally surf.

  3. Sea creatures already live there. If I went round to my neighbours house and started putting plastic through their letter box I think they would be justifiably annoyed. So I think if Great White sharks or Orcas could get out of the water we would stop this practice pretty quickly.

  4. Remote communities who produce zero plastic rely on fishing on a small scale for survival.

  5. Sunets by the sea always look better when it is not floating with endless tonnes of rubbish in it. It ruins the shot.

This is not an exhaustive list of course. Perhaps you have some reasons of your own ? Please share…..


