Andy Rushby Andy Rushby


I love the word inconvenience. It tells me that it might be difficult. It tells me that I might have to try a different idea; a different thought or way. It tells me that others will avoid it. It throws down a challenge to me. Offers me an opportunity to grow. To re-wire. To adapt. Evolve. It says I can’t be lazy. I can’t have it easy. It won’t be quick. But it whispers of interests and thoughts and depths. It says I might fail. Fall. It might offer boredom. A hole for me to fill. On my own. Without any help. It might laugh at me. Others might too. I might laugh at myself. I might cry in frustration. Feel like giving up. Turn to face the convenient way. But I won’t step that way.

It’s dull. Trodden. Easy. Boring.

It’s not Wild.

Yonder is.


Here is to inconvenience.

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